1、You need to find vertical asymptote first.

2、relating to or of the nature of an asymptote.

3、A hyperbola approaches but does not meet its asymptote.

4、An asymptote is a line or curve that approaches a given curve arbitrarily closely.

5、The critical aspect ratio of the fiber is defined as the crosspoint of the tangent value of the inflexion and the asymptote of the maximum elastic modulus.

6、This fact may be counterintuitive — it seems reasonable to suppose that you would reach an asymptote once almost all the English words had been included.

7、The paper probes into the relation between functional differentiability and the derivative function limit, and the relation between asymptote of function and the derivative function limit.

8、With the features of a function's derivatives at a point, this paper discussed some problems of the function, such as monotonicity, local maximum, local minimum, inflection point, and asymptote.

9、你永远无法到达完美的境地,但通过不懈的努力奋斗和追求,你能看见那无限接近完美的渐近线。(You can't ever reach perfection, but you can believe in an asymptote toward which you are ceaselessly striving.)