1、duly authenticated original award

2、authenticated specimen of signature

3、authenticated standard drug of abuse, sample of

4、resolve the authenticated user to a mailbox

5、The document was authenticated by a seal.

6、Cannot hash Data for an authenticated message.

7、Message information may be authenticated with error-control code, message authenticated code and digital signature.

8、This request could be filtered by authenticated user name.

9、A juridical precedent is nothing but "authenticated custom".

10、The individual authenticated portal users have access to the servlets.

11、Efficient anonymous password-based authenticated key exchange scheme

12、This will allow only authenticated browsers to get in.

13、In the example above, the URL specified is a non-authenticated page, but you use a similar strategy for authenticated pages.

14、Based on proxy signature and convertible authenticated encryption scheme, Ren et al. (2005) proposed proxy convertible authenticated encryption and threshold proxy signature scheme.

15、Obviously, for this model to work each user must be authenticated.

16、Listing 5 first loads the Zend Framework class libraries and sets up an authenticated HTTP client.

17、Global authentication and authorization: the user is authenticated globally by SSL.

18、Suppose that an application has authenticated the user and set up a Subject for her.

19、The users of enterprise applications accessing Encina servers will be authenticated by the J2EE application server.

20、The solution should provide an authenticated user with access to a provisioned set of services based on the user's role.

21、A new efficient ID-based authenticated encryption scheme is proposed, in which some characteristics of bilinear map are used.

22、This identity is an authenticated user identity, but impersonation can cause the identity of the current user to change dynamically.

23、File server (fileserver) - Handles files and directories residing in AFS volumes, giving access to a properly authenticated client request.

24、Smart card is integrated into authenticated encryption scheme, a new cryptographic scheme based on the discrete logarithm problem is presented.

25、The fundamental security goal of verifier-based password-authenticated key exchange protocol is security against dictionary attack and server compromise attack.

26、The contents of the authenticated user's library can also be obtained as an Atom feed, suitable for parsing in a PHP application.

27、A new fair exchange protocol with semi-trusted third party is proposed on the basis of a new convertible authenticated encryption scheme.

28、Ring authenticated encryption scheme can be regarded as the combination of message encryption scheme and ring signature scheme, which has both encryption and ring signatures priority.

29、If this is the first time you connect with RequisitePro, you need to get authenticated by inputting your username and password first.

30、If a user is not authenticated when trying to access this resource, the user will receive a 401 status code and the application can provide a special error handler to deal with that condition.