1、When did mammals appear on the earth?

2、He will appear on tomorrow's broadcast.

3、Your ad will appear on one page.

4、Tiger Woods will appear on "Larry King Live" on Friday.

5、Come into being or existence or appear on the scene.

6、"He was the first president to appear on television.

7、The first signs of the dawn appear on the horizon.

8、So what information will appear on his UID card?

9、The element will be relocated, but will still appear on any diagrams it was on before.

10、They appear on the profit and loss account and on the balance sheet.

11、When you draw on one you can see what is drawn appear on the other.

12、The "first" and "last" link elements appear on all pages, but the "previous" and "next" links appear on all but the first and last pages, respectively.

13、There doesn't appear to be a very high threshold for the number of votes a video needs to appear on Reddit.tv.

14、So just for it to appear on the English Avent Calender special offer page.

15、Cold sores usually appear on the lip; canker sores affect the inside of the mouth.

16、Plants can get sunburnt. Yellow spots may appear on their leaves and fruits.

17、Base is pulled with trundle, and can appear on the stage.

18、What would Keynes say if he were, say, to appear on CNBC tomorrow?

19、a written form of a musical composition; parts for different instruments appear on separate staves on large pages.

20、Isolated signs similar to those inscribed on the block also appear on even older figurines found elsewhere in Mexico.

21、Graphic ICONS representing the nutritional benefit provided by the product appear on the package and on in-store signage.

22、If not all information can be shown on one screen, a scrollbar will appear on the right.

23、Politicians appear on "the Colbert Report" for the same reason that ordinary people agree to appear on reality shows: it may be undignified, but it gets you on television.

24、Wait a few seconds, and you should see an inventory list of three items appear on the screen.

25、If they used their cell phones, a different photo would appear on the screen of the bracelet.

26、To deactivate the CD function, press and hold down the enter button, until the indication 0f will appear on LCD.

27、“Even a harmful screening test could appear on the surface as a helpful test, ” Dr. Kramer said.

28、When one developer changes files on a branch, those changes do not appear on the main trunk or on other branches.