1、circumferential contusion

2、Optic sheath decompression for treating optic contusion.

3、Treatment of traumatic flail chest and pulmonary contusion

4、Objective to investigate the effect of nerve growth factor (NGF) treating optic nerve and retina contusion.

5、Objective: To study the ct signs and its clinical significance of delayed cerebral contusion and laceration.

6、Blunt injury to the chest may also result in myocardial contusion.

7、Methods: Using prospective studies research three stages with 202 brain contusion and laceration patients.

8、Methods Clinical data of 50 cases with contrecoup contusion and laceration in the frontal lobe were analyzed retrospectively.

9、Pulmonary contusion is a major injury in chest blunt injury with a high incidence. Severe pulmonary contusion has a high mortality and it is the major cause of death of chest trauma.

10、To study the surgical techniques and clinical treatment of severe craniocerebral injury with cerebral contusion located in lateral fissure area.

11、To evaluate the visual function of patients with ocular contusion by visual evoked potentials (VEP) and flash electroretinogram (F-ERG).

12、The effect of Salvia Miltiorrhiza injection on biomechanical index during repairing process after skeletal muscle contusion of rats

13、Methods The clinical aspccts, CT appearances and relevant datas of 82 cases of pulmonary contusion were analyzed.

14、Trauma to the hip may lead to contusion or mechanical interruption to the lateral retinacular vessels, the main blood supply of the femoral head and neck.

15、But till up now it was rarely known for the mechanism of contusion cataract, so was the accurate report for the ultrastructure of lens epithelial cells.

16、Results 26 traumatic ligaments (12single and 8 compound) were found, including 18 contusion, 2 breakdown, 1 tear and 5 avulsion at the point of the ligament attachment.

17、A study on the relationship between the expression of apoptosis-related gene and the injury time in earlier period following cerebral contusion;

18、As for mild bruises, contusion, Hong Kong feet, frostbite, skin chapping, warts son to wait, can use aloe to treat, the result is right.

19、Its morbidity are closest with kidney, regardless of the external or internal disease factors, they always base on deficiency of the kidney, contusion, dampness and damp heat are inducements.