1、New York gold prices were fractionally stronger,

2、Every 2-tough graph is fractionally Hamiltonian

3、He was just fractionally ahead at the finishing line.

4、A wideband blind equalizer of fractionally spaced CMA

5、Murphy, Sinclair's young teammate, was fractionally behind him.

6、Analysis of adaptive equalizer of MIMO channels with fractionally-spaced in underwater acoustic communication

7、A study of variable step size blind fractionally spaced equalization based on normalized error function

8、Prospects for India were marked down fractionally though its GDP is still expected to grow by a healthy 6.4%.

9、Methods: Total of 30 cases of malignant solid tumor were treated with HIFU by HIFUNIT-9000 machine and targeted lesions were administrated fractionally level by level.

10、E-books cost virtually nothing to produce, and yet the baseline cover price, set by publishers, is only fractionally below the discount price for the print version of new releases.