1、Vitamin D. As you get older, you lose some of your ability to convert sunlight into vitamin d, and without vitamin d, your body can't use calcium.

2、Still, proponents of the vitamin d-autism link say there is biological plausibility to their theory.

3、Without vitamin d, people are subject to all the diseases listed above (and many more).

4、Take zinc, vitamin d, and eat lots of fruits. They are all good for lung health.

5、Used properly, sunscreens with an SPF of 8 or higher completely block UVB radiation and prevent synthesis of vitamin d.

6、Among those taking just 400 IU of vitamin d, the researchers found, half were deficient in the nutrient.

7、"Our findings suggest it may be worthwhile to screen surgery patients for vitamin d," principal investigator Dr. Jacob m.

8、As skin pigmentation increases, so does the period of exposure to ultraviolet B radiation from sunlight needed to synthesise adequate amounts of vitamin d.

9、Fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel are good sources of vitamin d, and it is also available as a dietary supplement.

10、Sunlight is the primary way to get vitamin d, although taking certain nutritional supplements — like cod liver oil — can also help.

11、If you're lactose intolerant, fortified soy products — particularly those with calcium malate — are a fine substitute in cooking and often contain similar amounts of protein, vitamin d, and calcium.

12、Most of us spend less time in the sun during the winter, and that means we can end up vitamin d-deficient, leaving us vulnerable to any number of infections.

13、Hyla Cass, MD, an integrative medical practitioner and author of 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health, adds that certain prescription drugs like acid blockers can deprive the body of nutrients like vitamin d.

14、a diet designed to patients with vitamin deficiencies.

15、Lipid cause a lack of vitamin dermatitis, dandruff to Increase.

16、To make sure the children are well nourished, vitamin drops are usually recommended.