1、height indicator of gyrosphere

2、An indicator of health.

3、Weeds are an indicator of soil characteristics.

4、panoramic indicator of natural stone (excl. slate)

5、Time can be an indicator of status.

6、Phenolphthalein or indicator of such a kind is used as colour indicator.

7、Reinfestation after treatment is an indicator of poor sanitation.

8、Pupil dilation is an honest indicator of interest and attraction.

9、COHb can be considered as an indicator of CO exposure.

10、Let's look at an important indicator of choice franchisee.

11、Objective to study the feasibility of using phage as the indicator of inactivation of virus with E. coliphage F2 as the indicator.

12、The consumption rate of oxygen can be used as an indicator of maturity of composting.

13、The multimedia teaching has already become a key indicator of evaluation of teaching quality.

14、Effect of Cu-methionine on growth performance and serum biochemical indicator of pigs

15、Gastric transmucosal potential difference, GTPD, is an objective indicator of the integrity of gastric 'mucosal barrier.

16、The main indicator of a country's intervention in currency markets is its level of foreign reserves.

17、Dry itchy skin may also be an indicator of liver problem.

18、This metric simulates and is the best indicator of end user response time.

19、Serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations are a sensitive indicator of thyroid function.

20、Here, as before, language is our clearest living indicator of social change.

21、As an indicator of shifts in the Earth's climate, the isotope record has two advantages.

22、The Buddha is the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment of light and the indicator of divine purpose.

23、those of leucocytic count as the indicator of inflammatory response,and those of the concentration of protein and Evans blue as the indicator of the alterations of vascular permeability.

24、Hydraulic efficiency of wetlands is an indicator of efficiency of waste-water treatment based on the detention time distribution.

25、Capacity of repetitive observation of remote sensing satellite sensors is a key indicator of the system's dynamic monitoring ability.

26、Tigers are an indicator of the health of the varied ecological systems of which they are part.

27、IMA has been evaluated as a potential indicator of transient myocardial ischemia in different clinical models of myocardial injury.

28、Decreased NAA concentrations found via magnetic resonance may be an indicator of brain dysfunction or loss of neurons.

29、His company's 80% gross margin, an indicator of its profitability, is well above the industry average of 60%.