1、T he shorting structure can be realized through a shorting wall or pin.

2、Naked shorting too can be a cause for concern.

3、Make-before-break, shorting (bridging) during contact transfer.

4、Sniffing out fraud and shorting its perpetrators has been a nice earner for Asia’s hedge funds.

5、A defect in a circuit or wiring caused by imperfect connections, poor insulation, grounding, or shorting.

6、In 1995 Malaysia's finance ministry reportedly proposed caning as a punishment for abusive shorting.

7、The daily Impulse on the chart on the following page is also green - no shorting is allowed.

8、Options can make shorting easier, both because options can be a cheaper way of obtaining a short position and because options allow short-sale constrained investors to trade with other investors who have better access to shorting.

9、Naked shorting can cross the line, however, if a trader does not intend to borrow shares to settle the trade.

10、Most likely, JP Morgan has been naked shorting silver, by selling paper silver that doesn't physically exist.

11、Several real microwave structures have been proposed, including shorting-circuit stub type, dual-iris type and resonant post type.

12、Paulson made least 295 million pounds shorting RBS, bringing its profit from betting U.K. banking stocks would drop to 606 million pounds, according to earlier disclosures.

13、In immineat danger which Berg lived, only mindered to distress reality can make fragile for symbolic inner-space, shorting of infection and inspiration.

14、It alleges that the men hired someone calling himself an analyst to smear Fairfax so they could profit from "shorting" its stock.

15、American are footing the bill for these city of London attack dogs at the IMF as Soros and his PALS want to make more shorting the Euro.

16、Without the hard work of NIA members, JP Morgan would have went on naked shorting silver for years and the topic would have never become mainstream.

17、Conclusion The study suggest that selecting quality electric drill, using higher rotate speed, shorting time of expose to drill noise and medication can obviously reduce the possibility and severity of sensorineural deafness in middle ear and mastoid surgery.

18、The filament is hidden below and out of the line-of-sight of the crucible. This prevents ion erosion and provides maximum protection from shorting caused by stray particles or condensate.

19、I bought a number of two-period bonds such that the value of my purchase exactly equals the proceeds that I get from shorting the one period bond, so I've made a zero wealth transaction.

20、He looks at the rivulets streaming over the tarp, considers how many weeks of work could be undone by one leak shorting the circuits inside, and aborts the test, sending everyone home to their beds.