1、I realise your position.

2、Time unconsciously, we realise later after sleep.

3、Mr Foot was slow to realise this.

4、I didn't even realise they were transvestites.

5、Don't they realise we're pushed for time?

6、Do you realise Guardi is a heretic?

7、Time always sli us by when we least realise it.

8、Cultivating such qualities will help you realise your full potential.

9、I realise he has totally lost his sense of self.

10、Psychiatrists now realise that there is something else in between.

11、Soon enough you'll realise how screwy this place is.

12、Then one day, you realise that you are now living your dream.

13、But what most people don 't realise is that malaria is preventable.

14、You have only to ask the questions to realise the fatuity of the idea.

15、Once you've parsed the whole thing, you realise it's nothing surprising.

16、Holografika, a company based in Budapest, hopes to realise this vision even sooner.

17、CLATTERING keyboards may seem the white noise of the modern age, but they betray more information than unwary typists realise.

18、Mr Obama may not be perfect, but even gloomy progressives realise he is better than the alternative.

19、It's disheartening to see these effects emerge so early. When you see them, you realise how much of an.

20、Beforetime, I always feel it's a waste of time, But now I realise that I was wrong!

21、Where Dickinson withdrew into the self, Higginson, a passionate abolitionist, tried to realise his ideals, but both were paradoxical individuals.

22、I'm quite into Radiohead and realise that their music is quite depressing or melancholy which gives it a bit more of an edge.

23、Chefs such as Delia Smith, Nigel Slater, Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay made the public realise that cooking— and eating— didn't have to be a boring thing.

24、After seeing how inhumanely these chickens, ducks, cows, lambs and pigs are treated, anyone with an ounce of compassion would realise that these selfish actions desecrate life itself.

25、"We realise that RTS, s is not the ultimate malaria vaccine," says David Brandling-Bennett of the Gates Foundation. "But it will have some role."

26、"What people don't realise is that in order to complete these tasks they need to use both the focus and unfocus circuits in their brain," says Pillay.

27、For Mr Abramovich the lure of seeing his team contest the final in Moscow must be bewitching and I am convinced that he will do everything in his power to realise his dream.

28、The purpose of the project is to design a MSTP network scheme and to realise the composite accessing to local services and to exchange service data with other equipment in MAN.

29、However, hopefully research like this will help parents realise that it's natural and healthy for children to get outdoors and get mucky and that it doesn't do their health any harm.

30、In response to rising divorce rates, Kbiri approached Amsterdam-based Studio OBA to help realise his idea of a separating house, which he believes could make the break-up process less of an upheaval.