1、The simulation results described the kinetic rule of DRX well.

2、When a GPRS MS in READY state USES DRX, DRX has to be considered when assigning a packet data channel for downlink transfer.

3、DRX Parameters indicates whether the MS USES discontinuous reception or not.

4、The refining mechanism of repeated extruded ZK60-CT magnesium alloy is DRX refining and particle refining.

5、A novel dynamic configuration scheme for discontinuous reception(DRX) cycle based on the delay requirement of service is proposed for the LTE downlink system.

6、If the MS USES discontinuous reception, DRX Parameters in combination with the IMSI indicate when the MS is in a non-sleep mode able to receive paging requests.

7、The distortion energy stored by twinning and the activation of non-basal slip are responsible for the nucleation and growth of dynamic recrystallization (DRX).


9、The appreciable suppression of DRX due to the increase of strain rate is found to be the reason for the strain rate sensitivity in warm deformation of hot-rolled AZ31 Mg alloy.