1、You'll understand on second thought.

2、On second thought, maybe not.

3、I made my decision on second thought.

4、On second thought, don't tell us.

5、On second thought, we should buy her a nice gift.

6、He dived in after her without a second thought.

7、On second thought, I think this coat is too expensive.

8、On second thought, I will exchange more RMB for dollars.

9、On second thought, maybe we should take a taxi instead.

10、She is? On second thought, maybe I'll go to the party after all.

11、Zimbabweans will starve…oh wait…no on second thought…they are starving now.

12、This murderous lunatic could kill them both without a second thought.

13、On second thought, I'd rather dance with the cows until you came home.

14、On second thought, I see by doing this we might be in for another failure.

15、Perhaps they should give it a second thought. The residents are getting up in arms about it.

16、Foreign developers of applications for phones didn't give the Japanese market a second thought because of its insularity.

17、For some, living together apart might be a good opportunity to have a second thought about the relationship.

18、Our immediate thought: we don't have enough devils on our covers these days. Our second thought: what is going on with that one demon sitting on the back of the roof?

19、This is the point at which your average person would jump out of the car like Charlie Sheen in Navy Seals without a second thought.

20、To me, the fact that you are worrying about it makes you morally superior to all the managers who routinely run down their underlings without a second thought.

21、Without a second thought, the woman joined the Welty party. When her dinner partner showed up, she also pulled up a chair.

22、On second thought, George decided that anybody who wanted to keep his gloves wouldn't be so foolish as to wear them right inside the store.

23、I likewise managed to locate a page of this same encyclopedia, which Arkady Mikhailovich dedicated, without a second thought, to a woman named Rosa.

24、The first time I wore it I felt a little too overdressed, a bit too try-hard, but now I throw it on with a T-shirt and jeans and don’t give it a second thought.

25、Black Temple and Hyjal Summit were released too early, on a second thought it would probably have been better to release Zul'aman first instead of postponing it for more than a year.

26、The second thought was fear, channelled into self-preservation: I jumped out of bed and grabbed my clothes from the floor. It didn't occur to me to arrest him.

27、The only bad thing, on a second thought, is perhaps a dramatically smallr job market and a profit shrunk like a flat balloon for those who claim that they can help you achieve native-speaker fluency within 2or 3months.

28、On second thought, it suddenly dawned on me that the underground Aping should be too familiar to be any more familiar. He felt the black as he walked in the daytime. Where else could he kick the rope like me?

29、I'm having second thoughts.

30、have second thoughts about...