1、The peaceful rise of China--academic conflict and realistic choice

2、The soul of China's peaceful rise is the rise of ideolgy

3、Deng Xiaoping Theory and peaceful rise of China──A commemoration for Deng Xiaoping s 100th birthday;

4、Q: As we all see, China is now making a peaceful rise.

5、What has happened to party discipline, and what has happened to the peaceful rise narrative?

6、China's peaceful rise on the world stage is also likely to have been a decisive factor.

7、Any overt action would contravene its self-proclaimed doctrine of non-intervention and sully its narrative of a peaceful rise.

8、Only we insist in taking the system innovation as the powerful developing motive force can China's peaceful rise be the historic necessity.

9、When the world began to worry about China's surging power, a senior official tried to calm fears, pledging a heping jueqi (peaceful rise).

10、Its actions have called into question its maturity as a responsible international actor and undermined its pretensions to a "peaceful rise".

11、Studying the trends of international production division is particularly important for China which makes great efforts to realize its national Renaissance and peaceful rise.

12、When Britain joined the then EEC in 1973, it was a club designed to meet purely continental goals such as containing Germany’s peaceful rise and modernising European farms.

13、In 2003 Chinese officials began talking of the country's "peaceful rise", only to drop the term a few months later amid worries that even the word "rise" would upset the flighty Americans.

14、To realize peaceful rise, China must express clearly to outside what kind of the identity she would be and what kind of the international image she would shape herself as.