1、I must say that rather shocked me, too.

2、This shocked me, but I managed not to show it.

3、I first saw Beijing Opera in London in 1993, and it just shocked me.

4、One vivid heart is to express one's feelings and treat the person who shocked me.

5、While the news at first shocked me, on reflection it made perfect sense.

6、This "Misdiagnosis" shocked me though the word was often heard in hospitals.

7、Before that, my parents'doctors had talked to me a lot about it, but my father still shocked me.

8、Technically I died down there, but the ambulance crew managed to save me - they put paddles on me, shocked me and got my pulse going again.

9、He looked shocked me, just as he was for their own or their family shoeshine the same.

10、 The killing of 300,000 people never shocked me. Likewise, it is called Neo-Confucianism. Whoop Confucius and Mencius, Jiuquan Juanmu.

11、Prof. WILLIAMS: You know, I was a high school student, a high school senior when I saw that, and it just absolutely shocked me and blew me away.

12、Three big exclamation marks shocked me. I hurried back to my room. There were two bubbling goldfish in the glass jar.

13、When I was at university, it shocked me how focused so many people were about their careers, in ways that often seemed pretty narrow.

14、Among these palaces, if I hadn't visited Meiquan Palace, St. Peter's Cathedral, Versailles Palace, Louvre Palace and the British Museum before, this visit to the Winter Palace would surely have shocked me.

15、Bangkok, Singapore, even Mumbai have shocked me on visits over the last few decades, not just the wealth and development but also the music and fashion and public transportation.

16、He looked up, straight at me.the help lessness in his eyes shocked me and his silent gaze pierced my heart like a dagger.then it was gone and his cheerfulness returned.

17、Along the way, what I saw when I was a child, the wooden bridges that once shocked me have long disappeared. The tall, solid stone bridges are sitting on the rivers, and the cars are running on them smoothly and comfortably.