1、Were what has been set in motion unfrozen.

2、Comparative study of heavy metal movement in frozen and unfrozen soils

3、Hoarfrost occurs outdoors, usually on exposed plants near unfrozen lakes or streams.

4、Sometimes it took hours to chip away enough frozen earth to get to unfrozen ground.

5、When this is done, the water freezes first, leaving the salts in the remaining unfrozen solution.

6、If column reordering is enabled, the frozen columns are treated as a group distinct from the unfrozen columns.

7、A new seaway through an unfrozen Arctic Ocean would cut the journey from Rotterdam to Yokohama via the Suez canal by 4,700 miles, a saving of 42%.

8、They looked in particular at the creation of "taliks", which are patches of unfrozen ground sandwiched between layers of permanently frozen soil lower down and a seasonally frozen patch of soil above.

9、Gaza court run by Hamas then ordered the assets unfrozen and police were dispatched Monday to enforce it, putting them in the odd position of barging into a bank and asking it to hand over the dough.