1、Caused by giddiness;reeling.

2、a sensation of extreme giddiness

3、Symptoms include nausea and giddiness.

4、A painful giddiness overwhelmed Villefort;

5、He warned them against suffering giddiness from success.

6、He was seized with giddiness and his head swam.

7、Suddenly he was seized with giddiness [a fit of coughing].

8、But at least I had no sooner eaten my first meal than I was seized with giddiness and retching.

9、She started vomiting every day and suffered from blinding headaches and giddiness, which could last for days.

10、The sickness quite departed, but succeeded by a horrid giddiness and swimming that was almost worse to bear.

11、Now and then the room blurred and a slight giddiness came over him; but his muscles would flex taut and it would pass.

12、Early in the afternoon we overtook another procession of pilgrims; but in this one was no merriment, no jokes, no laughter, no playful ways, nor any happy giddiness, whether of youth or age.

13、The giddiness of their expectations was now offset by brutal reality, and most of them were facing the fact that they would spend their lives in a postboom economy.