1、This spawns a vast number of specialist tasks - like distribution.

2、The job dispatcher spawns multiple threads, each containing the code for a different subtask.

3、Apple is a company that spawns both rabid fans and haters.

4、Her sides were clogged with the weed that spawns in the Easten Seas

5、It spawns various threads, each containing a subtask of the main task to be executed by the cluster.

6、When a command or the bash shell itself initiates (or spawns) a new shell sub-process to perform a task, it is known as forking.

7、From there, take a left on the first intersection and follow the path that leads you right to the room where Bonze Marberry spawns at (J-9).

8、They also may be quite gifted at bringing through written materials about ascension or writing novels of ancient history that spawns interest in unity based relationships and governance.

9、Another important thing to keep in mind is that the more variety there is terms of level generation, spawns, items, etc.

10、The driver program spawns a number of threads, each of which madly rolls the dice, then calculates how many rolls per second the different versions were able to execute.

11、After a female chooses a large male, he places his sperm packet inside her oviduct and stays with her until she spawns so that no other male has a chance to mate with her.