1、He inherits bravery.

2、Astronomy inherits from astrology.

3、A son inherits his father.

4、The eldest son will inherits the title.

5、He inherits his father's passion for jewelry.

6、She inherits her mother's looks and her father's temper.

7、Father always says that he inherits his honesty from grandfather.

8、It just inherits service class from its originator address space.

9、New process inherits the error mode of the calling process.

10、This electronic edition is based on the paperback edition and therefore inherits all of its shortcomings.

11、The virtual cube inherits the security definitions of its base cubes.

12、He inherits the traditional culture and expands it in the concerto of culture and art.

13、It's based on the solid ext2 filesystem code and it inherits a great FSCK tool.

14、It inherits the layered approach in that layers can encompass one or more service components.

15、In code, you can specify inheritance relationships between objects by declaring that one class inherits from another.

16、He inherits and absorbs the artistic experience from the narrative mode oft he Chinese historical biographical literature.

17、Kasyapa is respected as the Indian second monarch who inherits the Dharma and the West Monach of Zen Sect.

18、On the form, the background, the character arrangement, the structure of plots and language, the legendary drama inherits Nan Xi.

19、The quiet autumn silently precipitates all the impetuosity of summer and inherits all the withering left by the prosperity.

20、Firstly, Metaphysics inherits the Confucian idea tha-t history is varying from Zhou Yi and abandon the idea of history pattern of Confucian.

21、A person who inherits or is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the estate of another.

22、The history of Chinese city style fiction has a long history. Modern fiction inherits and develops the artistic form of traditional citizen literature.

23、The STA adapter inherits all the settings of the original physical wireless adapter and exhibits the same behaviors as the physical adapter.

24、And, like Array [t], List [t] inherits from a number of base classes and traits, starting with Seq [t] as an immediate base.

25、Father inherits the legacy of his ancestors, and is conscientious and conscientious. He dares not act like a villain who is disgraced by a gentleman. He is worthy of his ancestors.

26、severe anemia in newborn babies; the result of Rh incompatibility between maternal and fetal blood; typically occurs when the child of an Rh-negative mother inherits Rh-positive blood from the father; can be diagnosed before birth by amniocentesis.

27、Mr Sarkozy, whose poll ratings have dropped to a record low, wants to prove to French voters that he still counts in europe-and in the world, when he inherits the G20 presidency in November.

28、This film, absolutely original, simultaneously inherits the excellence of traditional Chinese cartoon and absorbs the advanced creative conceptions from abroad, which endow it with both historic and modern styles.

29、The spirit of a nation is formed through historical accumulation. The seeds of the Dragon Boat Festival are the memory of Quyuan, while the Dragon Boat Race inherits the national spirit of optimism, perseverance and progress.