1、hydrographic survey and charting system

2、Interpreting and charting cervical secretions can be challenging.

3、The committee is charting out the future of the organization

4、Geologic profile charting by integrating sub-bottom profile and bathymetric data

5、Many job-hunters will explore several possible careers before charting a new course for themselves.

6、Another big and completely new feature to Ext JS is charting.

7、Technical analysis or charting is based on the study of price action of a market.

8、In addition to the old standbys like calendars, trees, and menus, each has a charting option.

9、Some of the simpler PERT-charting techniques help groups visualize all the components of a successful plan.

10、More often, companies eager for social media authenticity aim even younger, tasking student interns with charting their new media course.

11、This means that if you're charting weight loss, don't chart "how much I weigh" because good results would go down.

12、This will take us a long way along the path of charting the heavens, both in space and in time.

13、Track your progress by charting your changed behavior. Research indicates that self-monitoring increases the probability of keeping the resolution.

14、And so the company commander huddled with his platoon leader in the hours around dawn, checking potential ambush points, charting evacuation routes, worrying about every possible equipment failure.

15、Forget fancy maps charting world domination, or ambitious mission statements-a visitor today to BT's lobby is greeted by the modest hum of the staff canteen.

16、Inside, the paper ran several nostalgic editorials charting its successes over the years, in addition to the usual fare of celebrity gossip (3), showbiz and other news.

17、Don't worry you don't have to perform these calculations yourself. Your charting software will automatically do it for you and plot it on the chart.

18、We do not understand the intricate pattern of the stars in their courses, but we know that he who created them does, and that just as surely as he guides them, he is charting a safe course for us.

19、Around 680 B. C. by the Olmec civilization, started by Meso-American star charting who were recording astrological form of patterns in the sky and the Mayans Shared this information eventually.

20、He has been very successful, charting more than 70 hit singles across various music genres and topping the country and pop album charts for more than 420 individual weeks in the United States alone.

21、I am sure that by charting out a correct course and moving forward together hand in hand, we should be able to carry our economic partnership to a new realm and attain mutual prosperity.

22、Half a year ago, it was also in this hall that we successfully launched the process of the Six-Party Talks, charting the course for a peaceful solution to the nuclear issue.