1、Provide technical assistance for Purchase of Materials.

2、Ice-breaker assistance for convoy will start now.

3、We provide assistance for victims of violent crimes.

4、debt-for-health swaps: Exchanges of developing country debt for assistance for health programs.

5、To test the hypothesis that economic recessions lead to reduced global development assistance for health (DAH).

6、This editor targets developers and will provide basic assistance for creating (HTML-like) task forms.

7、provide aid or assistance for(people in need,a disaster area,etc)

8、Seeking assistance for an injured person, learning medical vocabulary and parts of the body.

9、Specific assistance for creating and running Cucumber test scenarios and shoulda.

10、IMS Performance Analyzer for z/OS, V3.3 provides comprehensive performance analysis and tuning assistance for IMS Transaction and Database Managers.

11、We know that external assistance for health has more than doubled since the start of this century.

12、The government provides free education at both primary and secondary school levels and provides some financial assistance for private schools.

13、Figure out where your child needs extra guidance and give assistance for certain subjects, but not all classes.

14、PERFORMING ARTS TECHNICIANS provide technical and other assistance for the production, recording and broadcasting of artistic performances.

15、Obama also called for a higher minimum wage for workers, equal pay for women and paid sick leave, maternity leave and child care assistance for working families.

16、If you or someone you know has a drinking problem, seek assistance for them or with them.

17、His jobs plan includes extended cuts in the payroll tax for workers and employers. It also includes assistance for businesses that add workers.

18、But with more money, better governance and clearer rules, it could provide collective insurance for the prudent and conditional assistance for the profligate.

19、The other temptation is to couple assistance for bankers with a hefty dose of punishment to sate the public’s hunger for justice.

20、On behalf of the Angolan government and people, President Jose Eduardo dos Santos thanked the Chinese government and people for offering various forms of assistance for Angola's reconstruction.

21、Maintain soil moisture is conducive to plant growth, "Moister Keeper" and the combination of discarded plastic bottles provide this assistance for the plants.

22、Medical teams from the Tunisian Ministry of Public Health provide medical assistance for the thousands of people who have crossed the border.

23、Leaders from the world's largest industrial nations are promising more food aid and agricultural assistance for Africa to help ease the impact of rising food costs.

24、In addition to the support of charitable funds, the police force is also duty-bound to provide assistance for a number of major public welfare activities.

25、The architecture must also be kept up-to-date over the lifetime of the system to be of any assistance for future work.

26、To tide over the immediate crisis, the UN’s Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is poised to announce a three-month package of assistance for “urgent life-saving activities”.

27、Since "she has failed to learn the English language, " the newspaper quotes the documents as saying, she was "unable to call for assistance for transportation to the hospital" to give birth.

28、Mr. Bush says he will press for more G8 funding to train African health care workers and assistance for those facing rising food prices in Africa and other developing nations.

29、In most cases, the systems provide only partial answers to users' questions, make it difficult for users to identify relevant information, and typically require it assistance for user access.

30、The unemployment insurance system is enforced through State legislation. Funds are established by society to provide material assistance for laborers who have lost their income resources owing to unemployment.