1、My coworker couldn't stop laughing.

2、Stop your coworker from venting his frustrations

3、He was actually set up by his coworker!

4、The man secretly collgued with his coworker on the trip.

5、The second one dealt with a woman who dragged her coworker out of a wrecked car and the coworker suffered paralysis from high position.

6、Pray for each fellowship and group. May God grant the strength to each leader and coworker.

7、Tossing a tool to a coworker may seem like a time saver, but is it?

8、I expect it's the building superintendent who will let Diana's coworker into the apartment.

9、What if I say something negative about a friend or coworker?

10、"He got this harebrained notion he was going to build a new kind of car" his coworker replied.

11、In extreme emergencies, an employee may swap his time with a coworker if supervisors approve this exchange in writing.

12、Some offenses, however, may justify discharge, such as stealing, striking a coworker or member of management, and gross subordination.

13、Say to your coworker, "you've said a, and I've said B, perhaps we can consider solution c."

14、Q: Please suggest a kind way to let a coworker know that she has severe body odor.

15、"Either that, or hunting down that blond coworker of his, Samantha, whose Picasa photos he stares at every night," Brin added.

16、The most interesting dream I've had recently involved me returning to my college job as an ice cream scooper and muttering to a coworker, "Man, this sucks!"

17、Check the cute stuff at the office door. If a coworker overhears you exchanging endearments like "Honey Bear" and "Lovey Pumpkin," you'll never hear the end of it.

18、Each time you find yourself thinking about a coworker or person who makes your blood boil, practice being grateful for someone else in your life instead.

19、It's easy for a relationship to deteriorate into just talking about logistics, saving your funny anecdotes for your best friend or coworker.

20、If you have a customer who loves your product, perhaps he or she would like a premium version of that same product, or a second one for a coworker or a family member.

21、Ita s one thing to speak coherently in front an audience; ita s another to keep from falling apart emotionally when giving a tribute to a deceased family member, friend or coworker.

22、If you have a significant other or a best friend or a close family member or coworker … unload your thoughts on them. And listen to them, to return the favor.

23、Giving up on the paper jam after only one try and expecting a coworker to fix it because you know she can does not contribute to good team spirit.

24、They arrive via email, cell phone, coworker inquiry, etc. I've found that cutting out all distractions for a set time is one of the most effective ways to get things done in less time.