1、Please give me a safety pin.

2、Get a paperclip or safety pin and bend it straight.

3、Do you know where I could find a safety pin?

4、A woman came in with a baby, who had just swallowed a safety pin.

5、She pinned the gown at the neck with a safety pin.

6、The knife is too big, you need something smaller, a safety pin or...

7、If I placed a safety pin on a steel railroad track and let a train run over it, the safety pin would turn into a pair of bright brand-new scissors.

8、Mark beginning of this row using safety pin or split ring marker (for ease in measuring for neckline placement).

9、She put a white gown on me and pinned it at the neck in back with a safety pin.

10、Brooches developed from the Greek and Roman fibula, which resembled a decorative safety pin and was used as a fastening for cloaks and tunics.

11、He shook his head mournfully and called to the next stall, where a jeweler emptied out a box of metal findings, eventually locating a tiny brass safety pin.

12、The words "safety pin" didn't register with the man in the first booth until I thrust forward my shoulder, demonstrating what had happened to my expensive dress.

13、Place your drawing over the transfer paper. Put one safety pin through the top of the drawing paper, the transfer paper, and the T-shirt.

14、Indoor and outdoor seats are in the shape of extra-large objects, for example a safety pin or a peg, providing seating that is fun, friendly and modulable.