1、Death is caused by cardiac failure.

2、The value of BiPAP respirator in managing acute cardiac failure

3、"Wet Beriberi is more acute, with edema from cardiac failure and poor circulation."

4、Three patients were died among which 2 were died of mycotic septicemia and 1 cardiac failure.

5、Ascites due to cirrhosis of the liver, mechanical obstruction or cardiac failure.

6、The diagnosis of clinically significant cardiac amyloidosis should be questioned in the absence of congestive cardiac failure and low voltage in the electrocardiogram.

7、Effect of combination of Shenmai injection and Ginaton on the treatment of chronic cor pulmonale cardiac failure;

8、Record any evidence of heart murmurs, cardiac failure, other heart abnormality, irregularity of rhythm, or abnormality of peripheral pulses.

9、Effects on inflammatory factor and heart function to chronic ischemic cardiac failure in treatment with Levocarnitine combined atorvastatin

10、The cause of death was concluded to be severe hypotension, bradycardia and cardiac failure due to combined intoxication with verapamil, metoprolol and digoxin.

11、Method: Equally divide 32 patients with cardiac failure into two groups-a metoprolol group and a cedilanid group; then adopt the two said medicines above to treat the patients respectively.

12、"Cardiovascular system (Record any evidence of cardiac failure, abnormality irregularity, organic lesions or heart murmurs. Blood pressure readings required for all persons 16 years or over. Where repeat readings after rest exceed the following limits"