1、a reconstituted board, panel, committee,etc

2、After being concentrated and solvent reconstituted, samples were directly injected.

3、We have also resurrected and reconstituted the consciousness of their bodies so that we can understand.

4、Miami Central had been "reconstituted," meaning that the principal and half the staff members were fired.

5、It is reconstituted by mixing one part egg mix with two parts water (by weight).

6、Energy can be resurrected and reconstituted just as one resurrects the cellular structure of the form.

7、We say that this is the electrical energy which existed (in static form) before the current was reconstituted.

8、Objective To study efficiency of vascularized bone graft combined with reconstituted bone xenograft (RBX) repaired the bone defection.

9、The banks had no relationship with the mortgage-holders or companies from whose borrowings their mincemeat securities were reconstituted.

10、Meet a sliced, diced, beaten and reconstituted company that seems to be on a rocket ride back.

11、The invention can effectively reduce the release amount of the carbon monoxide in the flue gas of the papermaking-method reconstituted tobaccos.

12、And because it is from a reconstituted aorta, the doctors do not need to administer anti-rejection drugs, which react to cancer treatments.

13、The paper mainly reviewed several factors on influencing somatic cloning of pigs, which involve in cytoplast recipients, donor cells, micromanipulation, activation and reconstituted embryo transfer.

14、Once that is done, the three economists show that a reconstituted index is good at predicting real exchange rates over horizons of a year or more.

15、Here natural, there reconstituted or colour-stained, the timber assumes a variety of characters depending on the function it has to perform.

16、The percentage of loss, which was only 0.3 percent, was chiefly caused by subjecting the material to intense heat and by failure of proteins to go into solution when the plasma was reconstituted.

17、By separating the liquid red Blood cells from the near solid plasma and freezing the two separately, he found that Blood could be preserved and reconstituted at a later date.

18、"Digestion of fats in foods, often partial, is carried out by enzymes called lipases. The breakdown products are absorbed from the intestine into the blood, which carries microscopic fat droplets reconstituted from digested fats (or synthesized in cells) to sites of storage or use."