1、PWH.EVM_STMT_TEXTS for statement text data.

2、SQL statement text is known at development time.

3、At [1], the statement text is assigned to a variable.

4、Low-level tracing captures statement statistics, statement text and statement iterators.

5、Low: This tracing level, which is enabled by default, captures statement statistics, statement text, and statement iterators.

6、Information about all SQL statements executed before the lock-timeout event in the participating transactions, such as statement text, isolation level used, order of execution, and so on.

7、The improvements help data managers track connections and authorizations, statement text, application IDs, and the originating request's IP, along with timestamps for important events.

8、Using the hyperlinks in the report, you can drill down to the details of each statement, including the statement text and operation information for each execution statement.

9、You can test and refine your SQL statement right from the Eclipse workbench until it satisfies your needs and then cut-and-paste the SQL statement text into your reporting JSP file.

10、This statement is vulnerable to SQL injection - quotes in $_GET['username'] are not escaped and will be concatenated as part of the statement text, which can result in malicious behavior.