1、Colombia is not the only emerging economy to face these issues.

2、But the clearest warning to the industrialnations from an emerging economy was delivered by an Indian.

3、China is an emerging economy - and history tells us all emerging economies experience hot and speculative stock markets as they develop.

4、The truth is, Dubai took advantage of easy credit and poured it into developing the best infrastructure south of the Mediterranean Sea in any emerging economy.

5、The distinction between the mindsets that seek short term or long-term profits is helpful here. The drive for short-term profits is understandable in an emerging economy.

6、In an emerging economy with rapid productivity growth the real exchange rate should rise over time, through either higher inflation or a rise in the nominal exchange rate.

7、Turkey may also be heading for trouble. Its debt-service payments due in 2009 amount to 80% of its foreign reserves, the highest ratio of any big emerging economy.