1、What? So you can piss off with my money again?

2、John told me to piss off, or he'd clobber me.

3、Why don't you just piss off and leave me alone?

4、How do you piss off vegans the world over and maybe piss off non-vegans as well?

5、Wait a minute. Hold on... To piss off straight people.

6、You've heard the adage "Don't piss off the people who make your food." It's true.

7、You piss off locals with running commentary on the local news.

8、Rollman, apparently, is working on a record for the most new ways to piss off the Creator.

9、But his liberal interpretations of Marxist philosophy managed to piss off some pretty important people, including Lenin, his one-time collaborator.

10、The whole thing is probably just a misunderstanding. Maybe somethingwas bad translated. Come on, why should COB say that and piss off lotsof people with that?

11、Try it like this: start sleeping all day, hang out late into the night, live by your own rules, piss off as many people as possible, and live off the blood of innocent women.

12、Rollman, apparently, is working on a record for the most new ways to piss off6 the Creator.