1、Now we maun totter down, John.

2、To shake or tremble, as from old age; totter.

3、Babies and very old people totter as they walk.

4、They totter out into the courtyard to draw water or to rinse the slop pails.

5、The financial system continued to totter, stocks were plunging, and bad economic news was unabated.

6、They stagger from liquor, They reel in their visions, They totter in their judgments.

7、Miss- your skin is too dry. Youwid amount totter use some hydrining products.

8、With that overturned, the clan authority, the religious authority and the authority of the husband all begin to totter.

9、I'd put on her high heels and totter around the bedroom, catching glimpses of myself in the mirror.

10、The audience saw him totter and his knees give, and then saw him recover and tuck his chin deeper into the shelter of his left shoulder.

11、They include a group of distressed-debt funds that gave it rescue financing over the summer, then committed $4.5 billion more as the firm continued to totter.

12、And I think sometimes on the teeter-totter of each of those three dimensions were teetering where I wish we were tottering a little more as our products are more complicated.

13、NASB:He who is too impoverished for such an offering Selects a tree that does not rot; He seeks out for himself a skillful craftsman To prepare an idol that will not totter.