1、To assemble in or hold a caucus.

2、It simulates the parts assemble in assemble tree through setting up assemble simulation system, gets assemble process plan, shortens the periods of new products exploitation development.

3、Re-assemble in the reverse order of disassembly

4、We were told to assemble in front of the school.

5、P1ease assemble in the Exhibition Hall foyer to await your guide.

6、That's why I thought of having the parts procrssed and assemble in China

7、If the fire alarm is counted, all residents are requested to assemble in the courtyard.

8、Please assemble in the Exhibition Hall foyer to await your guide.

9、In the streets of heavy traffic or assemble in one place, listening to a song, alone finish their mind.

10、A proclamation was then issued throughout Judah and Jerusalem for all the exiles to assemble in Jerusalem.

11、After their run, the students assemble in a courtyard to stretch, listen to speeches, and sing the school song.

12、Nowak refers to them as monomers, which, in his system, randomly and spontaneously assemble into binary strings of information.

13、When it is time for questions, at last, dozens pop up from their seats and assemble in the two aisles.

14、The reservoir monocytes assemble in clusters in the cords of the subcapsular red pulp and are distinct from macrophages and DCs.

15、In tests off the coast of Portugal last winter, Grex-capable vehicles were able to assemble into formation and perform "swarm" tasks.

16、The next day, Baiguan was summoned to assemble in front of the palace gate. Feng Bao held yellow paper in his hand and the ministers knelt down to listen to his reading.

17、On Vesak day, devout Buddhists are expected to assemble in various temples before dawn for the ceremonial hoisting of the Buddhist Flag and the singing of hymns in praise of the holy triple gem: The Buddha, The Dharma (His teachings), and The Sangha (His disciples).

18、At the beginning of the day, we all assemble into the main hall to be addressed by the headmaster.

19、Figure 3 shows the filtered painting when the cyclic space is starting to self-assemble into patterns of order, but still with much randomness.

20、Earlier this year she co-authored a paper describing a new technique for coaxing tiny polymer strands to self-assemble into 10 trillion cylinders with precise patterns.

21、By pushing the solution through a membrane to remove the surfactant, the elements once again assemble into working, rejuvenated solar cells undamaged by their prior exposure to the sun.