1、Or, better yet, to pay automatically online.

2、It's not just eBay that is disconnecting, or better yet, selectively connecting with favored customers.

3、Or better yet, unplug headphones completely before wrapping them like a boa constrictor around media player.

4、Will you be able to eat your favorite foods, or better yet, all foods?

5、Save your gripes for your friends and family or, better yet, just drop the whole thing.

6、As much as you can, look outside (or better yet, get outside!) and watch the sky turn light.

7、It raises blood pressure and should be taken in moderation, or better yet, use a salt substitute.

8、Have you had any experience (or better yet, success) with encouraging your friends and family to live more minimalistically?

9、In the case of great philosophers, however, better yet to preserve one's physical presence to inspire future generations of thinkers.

10、Why ride hundreds of miles on a bicycle when you can drive in a car, or better yet fly in a plane?

11、For the last two, carry a backup of your presentation on a USB flash drive or email yourself a copy, or better yet, do both.

12、Germs can grow on bar soaps, so use the pumped kind — or better yet, a hands-free dispenser and choose regular soap over antibacterial.

13、Hopefully, you've had a chance to get away this summer, or better yet, still have some vacation or holiday time coming.

14、"A differentiator is whether the person can articulate that they've brought a project in on time — or, better yet, under budget — and how they did that," she says.

15、Often you can find a set of monkey bars low enough to bonk your own head on, or better yet, low enough that your child can reach them from the ground.

16、If you are craving dessert, opt for something lower in calories and fat, like sorbet, fresh berries or fruit. Or better yet, share your dessert with your dining partner.

17、Since you cannot actually delete a logger instance, you can disable it by setting its level to either OFF, or better yet, to the level of its next matching parent logger.

18、As far as you’re concerned, this is effectively a single operation. Wouldn’t it be nice if the application, upon seeing this unique pattern repeated several times, automatically created a new format style of this type—or better yet, created a new Reverse-Out toolbar control?

19、Give it away to a charity that will sell it to make money for a poor country or better yet, will take your stuff and send there for real people just like you and me to get some real use out of it.

20、With spring come warm weather, longer days and the impulse to spend our weekends in Central park. It's the closest thing we have to an Arcadian wilderness – a place where we can forget about life in the fast lane and enjoy life in the slow lane or, better yet, no lane at all.