1、The Remarkable Rocket is a great story about egoism and its impact upon not only those who are dealing with the egoist, but the egoist himself.

2、He was utter egoist of bricks and mortar.

3、It is better to be temporarily an egoist than never to be just.

4、John is such an egoist that he only CARES about himself.

5、Being full of his own concerns, the egoist never gave a thought to others.

6、Evolutionary simulation for the population of the altruist and egoist in the herd behavior model

7、I'm an egoist and a stubborn person and I'll fight to the end for any chance I can get.

8、You could have made her colour, any day in the year, by calling her a rank egoist.

9、Applying the idea of option incentives, this paper derives three different performance-based incentive contract designs that prove effective in constraining the egoist risk-adjustment behavior.

10、Over the past few months, Kanye has intermittently tried to flush away his rep as a boorish egoist in interviews and on Twitter, which is, fortunately, impossible.

11、I think some people find the essay the last resort of the egoist, a much too self-conscious and self-serving form for their taste;


13、The man who can centre his thoughts and hopes upon something transcending self can find a certain peace in the ordinary troubles of life which is impossible to the pure egoist.