1、The design of saleable garments.

2、Sports wears, no less than suits, are very much saleable.

3、I was told this small pump, is valuable and easily saleable on market.

4、It is a saleable oyster. It is able to be sold.

5、This yields a saleable product instead of what ISO 14001 would call an "environmental aspect."

6、The banker complained sadly that Providence had not made sleep a saleable commodity, like edibles or drinkables.

7、Pulps--Determination of saleable mass in lots--Part 2: Pulps (such as flash-dried pulp) baled in slabs

8、The product was eventually sold by the buyer to third parties at considerable loss, after having undergone a certain treatment to make it more saleable.

9、In this case, the goods are of saleable quality, so a refund is out of the question.

10、If you look at the annual harvest, teh overall look of an entire harvest is yellowish-green, not an attract ive colour and not a saleable color.

11、Strings tied around their necks mean they can only swallow the smallest-anything larger and more saleable get no further than their throats.

12、If you look at the annual harvest, the overall look of an entire harvest is yellowish-green not an attractive colour and not a saleable color.

13、In addition it should be remembered that most pirate booty did not consist of gold and silver bars, but saleable goods such as silks and other fabrics, tobacco, spices, and slaves.

14、Next, the semi-products provided in the first stage are further worked in the finishing mills, which roll them into saleable products, such as sheets, bars, rounds, shapes, wires and tubes.