1、Avoid using incandescent bulbs because it produces too much heat and the wrong type of light.

2、The specified member class does not exist or is of wrong type.

3、Likewise, you cannot include something of the wrong type, even if the length of a quantification is acceptable.

4、It also has a list of the import errors, such as when a value was the wrong type for a column.

5、The specified node cannot be inserted as the valid child of this node, because the specified node is the wrong type.

6、Our studies show that giving children too many toys or toys of the wrong type can actually be doing them harm.

7、Listing 2 contains a program that generates the compilation-time error message that happens when you try to add the wrong type of element to a generic collection - a List in this case.

8、Often, you can trace the origin of a bug back to a caller that's sending the wrong type of argument, the wrong number of arguments, or a mismatch between the order of actual and formal arguments.