1、What's wrong with Fred?

2、What's wrong with corduroy?

3、What's wrong with him?

4、What's wrong with eating meat?

5、What's wrong with desktop tools?

6、What's wrong with Xiao Wang.

7、What's wrong with your convertible?

8、What's wrong with anonymous types?

9、What's wrong with your new electric cooker?

10、What's wrong with owning your power?

11、There must be wrong with your MP4.

12、Is there anything wrong with yous radio?

13、Physiologically, there is nothing wrong with her.

14、Nothing wrong with with any of that is there?

15、 There is nothing wrong with others, love is not wrong, wrong is self righteous heart, wrong is withered and helpless to pay.

16、There is nothing wrong with kindness, but kindness to the wrong person is a shame.

17、I really thought there was nothing wrong with the method, but I was wrong.

18、Commentators asked: what is wrong with New York City, what is wrong with these times, and what is wrong with the particular neighborhood?

19、There must be something wrong with the network.

20、I am afraid there's something wrong with my thinking apparatus

21、Is there anything wrong with my lumbar vertebra?

22、Now, there's nothing wrong with Apple hardware per se.

23、There's nothing wrong with me, "I assured him sullenly."

24、If a relationship does not make you a better person, then you are wrong with the wrong person.

25、Now I say, "Probably 75 percent of people with Helicobacter have nothing wrong with them."

26、There is something wrong with this machine, the wheels aren't meshing properly with each other.

27、His story began in El Salvador; where he was born with something wrong with his mouth.

28、"I don't think there's anything wrong with being paternalistic as a company," Lauder says.

29、My question to you is what is wrong with the JDK logger?

30、There's nothing wrong with reminding him or her of that. Kindly, of course.