1、Wendy, there are mermaids.

2、Pirates believed that mermaids brought bad luck.

3、 Have you read the story of mermaids?

4、Many mermen and mermaids went to the ball.

5、Have you read the story of mermaids?

6、She said mermaids sang much better than people.

7、Never mind. We'll be mermaids when we eat it.

8、In this special place mermen and mermaids were always happy.

9、Once upon a time, there were mermaids living in the ocean. Today is the king's birthday.

10、These boys are always swimming about there, playing with the mermaids.

11、There are many fairy tales about mermaids, but nobody has really seen one.

12、Gentle and slow moving, manatees are said to be the mythical mermaids of sailors' imaginations.

13、Match girls, mermaids, red dancing shoes and other stories are so pessimistic about life that they make people feel depressed.

14、In Thailand, people marked the start of the holiday with an underwater pantomime, complete with clowns, lions and mermaids.

15、He said that even in his childhood, he often bothered with stories of mermaids being deprived of their souls.

16、Most mermaid films tell the story of love between humans and mermaids, and this one is no exception.

17、The moment the children tried to join in they had to play by themselves, for the mermaids immediately disappeared.

18、Despite the gilded mermaids and white pianos of his ludicrous quarters in Tripoli, he preferred to live in a tent, and always travelled abroad with one.

19、Then the others heard the secret, and very soon it became known to two mermaids whose intimate friend happened to know who the prince was.

20、1: the Heart of the Truest Believer: in the third-season opener, Henrys search party arrive in Neverland and encounter some unwelcoming mermaids.

21、Through the halls flowed a broad stream, and in it danced the mermen and the mermaids to the music of their own sweet singing. No one on earth has such a lovely voice as theirs.

22、Standing at 37 metres high, this half-lion, half-fish creature brings you to the depth of the sea as you walk side-by-side with legendary sea dragons and mythical mermaids.

23、"The high stern castle was a riot of carved gods, demons, knights, kings, warriors, mermaids, cherubs; and zoomorphic animal shapes ablaze with red and gold and blue, symbols of courage, power, and cruelty, were portrayed to stir the imaginations of the superstitious sailors of the day. "