1、Not chubby, not a little overweighted, fat.

2、The overweighted people's toleration is bad in summer.

3、Rookie talent in general, not just in sports, seems vastly overweighted.

4、The advantages overweighted the disadvantages from the pains and misfortunes that I have suffered.

5、This poem is overweighted because of its improper ideological content layout.

6、Asset allocations went wildly out of balance, overweighted to illiquid partnerships as the value of equities plunged.

7、Let's have an example: suppose you're fat. Yeap, exactly, fat. Not chubby, not a little overweighted, fat. Your internal dislike process could be something like this.

8、The girls wants to use the occasion to underline concerns facing big people and encourage the brave pursuit of happiness by the overweighted.