1、Great hatred does not lend itself to reconciliation.

2、Nadia's story doesn't easily lend itself to either side of the legalization debate.

3、This effect is a complicated matter that does not lend itself to simple mathematical treatment.

4、It does not lend itself to the overall narrative nor does it help to develop any of the characters.

5、But it does not take much imagination to see how the Aka-Aki approach could lend itself to advertising.

6、Bleeding from the torso does not lend itself to control by any method other than direct pressure.

7、Although pure science usually has no apparent connection with technology, it does lend itself to the development of applied science.

8、Does your idea lend itself to small incremental steps that can inexpensively generate valuable information as well as at least a little cash?

9、Hiss understated, somewhat dry manner may not lend itself to reality television, but it's perfect for the role of a national professor.

10、The Rottweiler is basically a calm, confident and courageous dog with a self-assured aloofness that does not lend itself to immediate and indiscriminate friendships.

11、(ii) the subject matter of the obligation does not lend itself to enforcement by specific performance or the cost of performance is excessive;

12、Unfortunately, reducing an interactive product to a list of hundreds of features doesn't lend itself to the kind of graceful orchestration that is required to make complex technology useful.

13、The roast nuts turned into an oily paste, which did not lend itself to espresso - the thick paste did not let much water run through and the result was bitter and oily.

14、Sociology was not yet a discipline, but before the century was out, mass idealisation of this sort would lend itself to the scientific study of charisma and group psychology.