1、The equipment and the proprietary technology have been bought.

2、Cymat's proprietary technology and process USES four basic steps.

3、Mr. Buchanan, this building's security system uses proprietary technology.

4、Most firms insisted on their proprietary technology, mostly to lock in their customers.

5、Generic Technology (GT) is a bridge between basic science and proprietary technology.

6、The proprietary technology of FV-OSR software controls specific hardware Settings and advanced signal processing.

7、If the foreign investment party to a foreign investment enterprise contributes industrial property rights or proprietary technology as its investment

8、Tax official: it means the royalties, include patent right, proprietary technology, copy right, trademark right, and so on.

9、Tax official: it means the royalties, include patent right, proprietary technology, copy right, trademark right, and so on.

10、The novel FCC process for maximizing iso-paraffin in cracked naphtha is a proprietary technology named as MIP to produce clean gasoline component.

11、One of the first main challenges for a company that has been acquired by Google is adopting the proprietary technology stack used within the company.

12、Keppel Seghers' Waste-to-Energy plants incorporate all proprietary technology related to an integrated waste recovery concept for treating the residual waste fraction.

13、Article 7: The Chinese Party may make its capital contribution in cash or in the form of buildings, factory buildings, machinery, equipment or other material, industrial property, proprietary technology, premises use rights, etc. for consideration.

14、Apple should have gone to the big swap meet in the sky, like Osborne, Amiga, and a hundred other early computer companies that stuck to their own proprietary technology.

15、In the case of investment in the form of capitalised value of material objects, industrial property rights or proprietary technology, the investor shallprovide valid certification of the rights of ownership and disposition.

16、"A co-operative production contact or co-operative design contract involving the assignment or licensing of industrial property rights, the licensing of proprietary technology or the provision of technical service."