1、Hence the name, mirroring.

2、The mirroring process can take some time.

3、Spare DRAM and selective mirroring provide increased memory RAS.

4、Set up the password, licensing, patching, and mirroring

5、HACMP USES different mirroring technologies to achieve this. They are.

6、Renewing work file with it's mirroring in hard disk and renewing its standard data reference rapidly if the encrypted mirroring in hard disk was not demolished.

7、An alternative strategy is to use disk mirroring to mirror the log device.

8、Another use of FUSE is mirroring, or maintaining copies of files in parallel.

9、On the other hand, Scott believes that mirroring another's emotional state might ease communication and interaction.

10、I'm happy to announce we finally setup mirroring of eclipse.org repositories on GitHub.

11、It is a site ripper, off-line browser, web site scanner, a site mapping tool and a site mirroring tool.

12、The automatic grading and mirroring of the programmed seam contour guarantees identical sewing results for every pair of sleeves.

13、These files can be automatically forwarded to other storage facilities for data mirroring, disaster recovery or backup applications.

14、In a volume that has data protection (mirroring or RAID-Z), the alternate data can be read or regenerated automatically.

15、The shakeout in travel agencies was particularly vicious. After years of holding steady, the total number of agencies fell precipitously, almost exactly mirroring the growth of online shopping.

16、Stock markets in Africa’s larger economies – Nigeria, Kenya, and especially South Africa -- are mirroring those of developed markets, and international bond issues that were growing have slowed.

17、The configuration consists of 4 mirroring pairs on these 8 disks; all c2 devices above are mirrored to its corresponding c0 devices.

18、The Li River snakes through a fairy-tale landscape of conical limestone peaks, its smooth waters exquisitely mirroring the magical scenery.

19、Di Canio caused uproar eight days ago when he inflamed an already heated encounter at Livorno, before mirroring his actions at home to Juventus on Saturday.

20、Or, if you prefer the version that USES spawn to kick off the Producer into a separate thread from main (which is most closely mirroring the original), it might look like Listing 8.

21、AIX has many levels of RAID technology incorporated into it for no additional cost; these technologies can be employed at a software level, such as striping (RAID 0) and mirroring (RAID 1).

22、I was chagrined and later amused to discover that this mirroring experience had unconsciously shaped my picture of my own body and had contributed to years of hair cutting anguish.

23、Comparing the Buddhist stories mirroring good and evil with the Sui Tan novels and the Five dynasties novels; this thesis further illustrats the blending of Chinese culture and Indian culture, which promoted the literary creation, especially Sui Tan novels and the Five dynasties novels.