1、Provided that kids possess excessive pocket money, they might form the mentality of money-oriented.

2、In a money-oriented society, money can do many things to a large extent, such as spending money to find trouble at night, etc. They can't afford to cause trouble at all.

3、No wonder money-oriented rivals such as Google and Yahoo! sprang up all round as the new century dawned, claiming to have invented e-books before him.

4、After all, economics is the study of human decision-making, which does not necessarily need a money-oriented backdrop against which to function.

5、But, because of the fast pace of life nowadays, we are bit more utilitarian or money-oriented. By my friendly reminder, money is just one of the means, not the purpose.

6、A large proportion of our people are "money-oriented", among which power is also concentrated. Due to their presence, many projects of huge value end in vain. What's the point in all of these?