1、The state of having triumphed.

2、Our team triumphed over theirs.

3、The workers triumphed over many difficulties.

4、He lived and he died in triumphed.

5、Good sense has triumphed over unreasoning impetuosity.

6、The bare handed guy waved his fist and triumphed.

7、Scientific materialism thus triumphed over ignorance and superstition.

8、You have in a common cause fought and triumphed together.

9、He had to meet the challenge and triumphed.

10、Arab revolutions erupted and triumphed in Tunisia and Egypt, partly burying Osama's Galatea.

11、Its heroes might declare the madness of reality, but reality inevitably triumphed over them.

12、Morality and fairness have nothing to do with them. They have triumphed.

13、Strategy has triumphed, the installed base is huge, no self-respecting company would be without one.

14、I had triumphed over others by dint of some unknowable charm.

15、Underdog presidential candidate Michael Dukakis yesterday came to the town(Philadelphia)where" Rocky" -filmdom's boxing underdog-triumphed against all odds.

16、Both ultimately triumphed in their epic struggles and found themselves the lone superpower in a unipolar world.

17、In the women's l00 Breaststroke,Germany's Sylvia Gerasch triumphed with a time of 1 minute 9.36 seconds,

18、In 1948, struggling independent movie producers and exhibitors finally triumphed in their battle against the big studios' monopolistic behavior.

19、Button's McLaren team has now won two consecutive races, after Lewis Hamilton triumphed in Germany one week previously.

20、So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.

21、The big one's an explanation of how this sitcom triumphed over this country's ingrained dislike of intellectuals to become a mass-appeal hit.

22、 The black bird can speak and speak in a cage, an ambitious internet, the news spread frequently, truth triumphed over truth, bullets fired neutron bombs.

23、Like North Korea, peace once again triumphed over war. Let us be more confident and continue to work for the maintenance and consolidation of world peace.

24、These scholars argue that even in the late nineteenth century, with the government's role in the economy considerably diminished, laissez-faire had not triumphed completely.

25、Stephens with dark burning eyes deep socketed in a face that had known nothing but sickness and pain and had triumphed over them with humor and with fire--two faces that were greatly loved.

26、Within a few years, by the time the Chinese Communist Party held its Seventh National Congress in 1945, unity was achieved throughout the Party as anticipated, and consequently the people's revolution triumphed.

27、Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the LORD, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.

28、Kobayashi has triumphed four years straight at the July 4 hot-dog contest in New York City, this year breaking his previous record by swallowing 53 and a half frankfurters.

29、GUO Songling, the Deputy Commander of the third army corps of Feng Warlord, who controlled a large number of forces, rebelled Feng Warlord with his army in 22nd , November 1925. He dispatched his troops, a seventy thousand military, from Luanzhou to Fengtian directly, and almost triumphed.