1、sender/receiver buffers

2、Policing funds' capital buffers would be tricky.

3、Because of the added creation cost, use direct buffers only for long-lived buffers, not short, one-time, throwaway buffers.

4、Policing funds’ capital buffers would be tricky.

5、You have to have some buffers.

6、Buff: Amount of memory used as buffers.

7、Error: Out of memory for video buffers.

8、Finally, the line with unreliable buffers is changed into the line with reliable buffers.

9、Novel structure of optical buffers in optical fiber LAN

10、Today's oil market also has plenty of buffers.

11、FCM buffers are allocated from this memory area.

12、Solving multi-stage parallel machine problem with limited intermediate buffers

13、The third and forth parameters are the size of the internal wave buffers and the number of buffers to allocate.

14、It turns out that there are many different techniques to countering buffer overflows, but they can be divided into two approaches: statically allocated buffers and dynamically allocated buffers.

15、As the number of request blocks goes up, the number of FCM buffers (fcm_num_buffers) goes up.

16、Scattering reads and writes, which take an array of byte buffers, are also supported asynchronously.

17、Admittedly both the dodgy assets and the loss-absorbing buffers are not spread evenly.

18、The functions in the programs in this article operate on whole buffers at a time.

19、Vertex buffers are similiar to textures in that they store pre-made data.

20、They can prod Banks with taxpayer guarantees to shrink their risks and to build up capital buffers to absorb losses.

21、Number of buffers in the cache that have been moved to a higher priority, based on usage and relative importance.

22、The order of the source data does not need to be maintained (BDD splits it into roughly equal buffers).

23、In fact, in most cases, you won't have to spend time deciding what values to specify for the number of buffers, the degree of parallelism you need, or the size of the buffers.

24、You'll also learn about things you can only do with NIO, such as asynchronous I/O and direct buffers.

25、Of the three receive buffers, the MAB is always committed to receiving the next message from the bus.

26、Cases mentioned by Hughes where there are differences include booting the JVM, creating NIO byte buffers, and dealing with threads and thread groups.

27、We spit out the buffers of a DRDA trace and put them into the actual JCC trace; after all, JCC USES DRDA to communicate with the server.

28、The elastomeric bearing, the centering member and the buffers are mounted on a cantilever on the fixed part of the bridge.

29、The motors are installed inside a sturdy plastic case; special noise buffers reduce the noise within the safety standards of work.

30、Running this query with IWA took nine minutes, and we were able to reduce the size of the Informix memory buffers.