1、upload to the 3D Warehouse.

2、You can store these details in a LDIF file, and upload to any LDAP server.

3、Due to limitations of hits, please upload to your own photo album if repost to other websites.

4、At the same time, two ways to upload to the braking system known as the Combined braking system.

5、You cannot use anonymous upload to the root of a web. Please use a subfolder for anonymous uploads.

6、The VSIX file is the package's deployment file that you can send to users to install or upload to the Visual Studio Gallery.

7、For instance, imagine that the movie I'd like to upload to S3 for customers to view for a limited time is nerfwars2.mp4.

8、The CDC also provide "widgets", which are small pieces of HTML code that users can upload to their own web sites.

9、Awesome Screenshot lets you capture the whole page or any portion, annotate it with rectangles, circles, arrows, lines and text, blur sensitive info, one-click upload to share.

10、When you have a newer version of your extension, all you need to do is to change version number in the VSIX manifest file editor, build a new VSIX file and upload to the Visual Studio Gallery.

11、DXConnect will enable people to upload topics of interest for others to view on a public showcase and create discussion groups that have a“ forum” and/ or“ chat” type of format.