1、She went to see lots of famous doctors, hut nobody was able to cure her eyes.

2、It summarizes the famous doctors experience, and promotes traditional Chinese medicine.

3、His family is well-known in medicine for generations, and has a long line of famous doctors.

4、The center recruited a batch of specialists who enjoy the State Council Special Allowance, national famous doctors, and youth professors with special skills, chief physicians.

5、He took his children to see many famous doctors, but none of the medicine they prescribed could make them speak again.

6、A few visiting professors, famous doctors, made the small provincial city university medical room famous, and the patients who came to seek medical treatment were kept in a continuous and bustling way.

7、Morever, during that period, a great number of printed books of acupuncture and medical practice of famous doctors also brought about great impact on acupuncture to the later generations.

8、A pair of traditional Chinese medicine consists of dozens of herbs. It is difficult for famous doctors to say that the herbs saved the patient's life or relieved the patient's pain.

9、 Because the old man's health is not very good, he has recruited more than twenty famous doctors in a year, so he should not go far as a son.