1、Aaron: Vic Chou, for this big-hearted personality.

2、However, as a person in the society, can we really be so big-hearted?

3、The mean-hearted artist cannot produce a great painting, and a big-hearted artist cannot produce a mean picture, even if his life were at stake.

4、Others are big-hearted types who have deeply touched their families and communities with their kind deeds.

5、It was about the country we love and building an America that is hopeful, inclusive, and big-hearted.

6、My little girl was always so 1 big-hearted, and when I found her she had given Elvis to a little boy to hold.

7、"Tomorrow, you can vote for a hopeful, inclusive, big-hearted America, " she told a crowd in Pittsburgh. "Our core values are being tested in this election. "

8、After the aloof and idiosyncratic Thabo Mbeki, here was a big-hearted, charismatic "man of the people" who would unite a fractious country and help it make itself felt in the world.