1、every other day/month/year

2、This class meets every other day, not every day.

3、I go there every other day.

4、The milkman comes every other day.

5、The doctor visits her every other day.

6、Fifty minutes' massage every other day and half an hour's needle treatments every day.

7、I don' t go there every day, only every other day.

8、I eat cereal for Breakfast every other day.

9、Take this medicine with warm water every other day.

10、Come to have an injection every other day.

11、He will go the worksite every other day.

12、Another regimen, called alternate-day fasting, involves eating no more than 500 calories every other day.

13、He sent patients for treatment each day and bathed them every other day.

14、We see each other every other day, always at my place.

15、You should have acupuncture every other day. Sleep on a hard bed and rest well.

16、Rats were given garlic oil or corn oil every other day for two weeks.

17、I have a toothache, and have to go to the dentist's every other day.

18、Now some people eat only three, two day, eat some every other day, but not to eat.

19、the cleaning lady comes on alternate Wednesdays; jam every other day- the White Queen.

20、relating to symptoms (especially malarial fever) that appear every other day.

21、If that's the case every other day then your perception is very biased towards the things missing in your life.

22、The sidewalks are slick with ice, and we have to shovel the snow off the steps every other day.

23、He worked out every other day with weightlifting, with some kind of running work on alternate days.

24、I was supposed to be at work the next day, so Teri was checking in with my managers and my agents every other day.

25、So it will suddenly miss a day and will rise every other day for the rest of the history of time.

26、I ran my errands. In truth, I spent the day as I spent every other day, quietly polishing the routine of my life. Until it gleamed with perfection.

27、I wash every other day, but if you have long hair, you might even be able to go another day between washings.

28、In the study, half of 22,000 physicians were given an aspirin every other day while the other half took a placebo.

29、After watching his son, Matthew, playing one day, he said, “If your child likes—loves—you, the very love he bears you tears your heart out about once a day or once every other day.”

30、Then I'm going to buy a new swimming suit and goggles, and every other day I'm going to go swim laps in the pool.