1、Let's cut to the chase.

2、Flexible and reliable chase Turner and central positioning device on the chase.

3、Renault: This is the end of the chase.

4、Eventually, exhaustion forced the unfortunate man to abandon the chase.

5、Danglars resembled a timid animal excited in the chase;

6、If the front airbag opens at the end of the chase, that is the quality problem.

7、The attack cleared the Tatars from the field, and continued the chase.

8、The third Californian firm in the business, LS9 of San Carlos, is cutting to the chase.

9、The shark, excited by the smell of blood and the chase, went after him.

10、During the chase, The Bureau uses doors to travel great lengths across New York City.

11、Now it's David Cameron, Nick Clegg and William Hague who are up for the chase.

12、In short, cut to the chase and you'll get more of a reaction.

13、The cocker spaniel heard the commotion and he ran out from the barn to join the chase.

14、The second quote is from the second bounty hunter to Booth, "It's the thrill of the chase, right?"

15、Cephalus, when weary of the chase, was wont to stretch himself in certain shady nook to enjoy the breeze.

16、Instead, they cut to the chase and pay attention to the matters that most concern them, like food or toys.

17、I do follow here in the chase, not like a hound that hunts, but one that fills up the cry.

18、How can you cut to the chase and find a financial planning expert that you can trust.

19、Apollo was the god of the sun, music, poetry and prophecy, while his twin sister Artemis(Diana) was the goddess of the moon and the chase.