1、ITB(International Textile Bulletin)

2、This information is not required when the Bidder is invited to submit a bid in accordance with ITB Clause 11.2 (a) (iii) or ITB Clause 11.2 (b)(iv).

3、Uninvited visits to Company's offices to discuss the ITB Documents are not permitted.

4、Company reserves the right to modify the ITB Documents following issue of the same to the Bidder.

5、Company reserves the right to issue clarifications modifying the ITB Documents during the evaluation period if it so requires.

6、When you attend an event like ITB Berlin, you appreciate first-hand the competition out there among destinations.

7、As a result, they often start to develop common overuserunning injuries, such as shin splints, runner's knee, or ITB syndrome.

8、Some braking systems, such as the Inertial Transfer braking (ITB) system and Dual braking system, make use of both friction and magnetic elements.

9、The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) officially unveiled their new brand and digital strategy - YourSingapore - at ITB Berlin this week, and already the blogosphere is abuzz with chatter.

10、In general, it is better to set the ITB in turbine transition duct for more sufficient space and more excellent performance improvements.

11、Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in ITB. This sheet should be completed by the issuing agency by filling in all blanks.

12、To solicit offers from providers, the best-price purchase process relies on an Invitation to Bid (ITB), also known as Invitation to tender (ITT), Invitation for Bids (IFB), or Sealed Bids.