1、She clicks her tongue sympathetically.

2、He moves the cursor, clicks the mouse.

3、Reports on recipients, bounces, opens and clicks.

4、Rarefaction clicks redound to BAEP diagnosis to sensorineural deafness.

5、Whales have a language of squeaks and clicks.

6、He clicks the run icon (the running man icon).

7、It has five basic clicks and 17 accompanying ones.

8、A second party member then clicks the portal to summon.

9、Paid clicks represent the aggregate number of clicks related to ads served on Google sites and AdSense partner sites

10、Of course, while the AD world is obsessed with clicks because they can measure those, AD receptivity is more than just clicks.

11、When you activate it, the script will make left clicks go to the next item, right clicks go to the previous item.

12、First, let's introduce a new trait, Clickable, an abstraction for any widget that responds to clicks.

13、When the user right-clicks on the control, the context menu pops up.

14、Dolphins use a variety of clicks and whistles to keep in touch.

15、If a user clicks his "exclamation" icon, there's a slim popout for Facebook notifications.

16、The field specialist clicks on attachments, and navigates to the accident report.

17、The Hyperlink widget is used to allow actions based on whether a user clicks - or even hovers - over text.

18、The cost-per-click approach could cost less overall, since you're paying only for each time someone clicks on the AD — but Facebook could discontinue your AD if it gets no clicks.

19、When the user clicks the Acronym Expander button, the run method of the preceding class is invoked.

20、The widget fetches information from the server when the user clicks on one of the catalog items at the top.

21、Unlike computer software, which can be deployed with a few mouse-clicks, each system still needs to be tailor-made.

22、When the user clicks on this link, the event handler is executed and the alert pops up.

23、The code snippet in Listing 9 sets whether to print using PDF or ActiveX print mode when the user clicks the print button.

24、Two clicks after launching the program, I'm asked to name my novel and come up with a one-sentence precis that includes a character, conflict and resolution.

25、MSN platform has not brought them high-quality user clicks on the rate increase, on the contrary, such cooperation model harm the commercial of the enterprise.

26、He clicks open an icon on his desktop to open RMC 7.1 (Figure 1) and explains, "RMC has a lot of out-of-the-box RUP content."

27、The Listing 13 code snippet sets whether to print by using PDF or ActiveX print mode when the user clicks the print button.

28、Select some color from our swatches folder, now click the selected symbol group with the symbol Stainer tool - it may take a few clicks for circles to change color.

29、You want to design a page in the component so that a user enters stock tickers into a field and clicks a button, and the results information is displayed in a group of fields lower on the page.

30、The dim light clicks, whispering the classical dance music of Western classicism, flickering in the dim light, with the high and low sound of music changing the phantom of neon-like colorful lights.