1、Tags to avoid. Do not use span tags, code font tags, font classes, or CDATA tags.

2、Inline tags cannot contain block-level tags.

3、Embed meta tags, including web page titles, content description tags.

4、The communication with RFID reader and tags can be divided into two processes: identification tags and access tags.

5、Invalid pages often have missing closing tags, improper nesting of your HTML tags, and even problems with CSS style tags.

6、The tags begin and end without intermingling with other tags.

7、The application most likely has functions to write start tags, end tags, and escape characters already.

8、This outputs the list of tags inside a paragraph, with tags separated by commas.

9、Within these tags you can place your traditional HTML coding tags.

10、Tags in each segment are paired as numbered beginning and ending tags (numbers start from 0).

11、Meta description tags.

12、serially numbered brass tags

13、The tags can enclose further parameters required by the implementation class of the JSP tags.

14、Notice the and tags.

15、May I have baggage tags?

16、The contains nine child tags.

17、UI tags are designed to get data from the ValueStack (action added data onto the ValueStack) or from data tags.

18、Closing tags — never forget them!

19、They can also add tags, and both the entry and tags can be rated based on popularity and relevance.

20、Extensible and meaningful tags: XML tags can be designed to have a specific meaning and label specific content.

21、Because you raised my car tags.

22、Technorati USES tags to categorize blog articles.

23、Check for garments with price tags.

24、If this string contained tags, we would segment the string accordingly and enclose each single segment separately between the new style tags.

25、Categories: to tag blog posts with searchable tags; for example, a blog post about Bugs Bunny cartoons might have as tags "Looney Tunes", "Bugs Bunny", "rabbits", and "cartoon".

26、Because they are not usually used in tags, type names can be concatenated from sufficient roots and modifiers to identify the appropriate domain without necessarily causing long tags.

27、These tags can be specific to the blog or they can be lumped together with tags from other blogs, using special search engines such as Technorati.

28、XML tags and path expressions are still case sensitive.

29、There are two types of tags - core and returnable .

30、Notice that there are no standard HTML structure tags.