1、We need more elbow room.

2、We need a lot more elbow room.

3、We could use some more elbow room.

4、I can hardly move. Give me some elbow room.

5、I need more elbow room than you do.

6、The room is so crowded. We all need some elbow room.

7、I can hardly move here. Can you give me some elbow room?

8、There was enough elbow room in this gargantuan aquarium for all kinds of surprises to emerge.

9、His speech was designed to give himself more political elbow room.

10、This means that open source middleware stacks like XAMPP might have some elbow room at the lower end of the software market.

11、Green sites and fairway landing areas should be put in spots with an appropriate amount of elbow room and surrounding difficulty.

12、My old office was so small I only had space for my desk and small chair, but my new office has much more elbow room, providing enough space for a couple visitors.